Example journal entry message:

  "journalEntryId": "100000",  
  "journalEntryUrl": "/demo/api/journalentry/100000",  
  "journalEntryTypeId": "JOURNAL_ENTRY",  
  "statusId": "JOURNAL_CREATED",  
  "journalEntryDate": "2021-04-01T19:00:00",  
  "notes": "Notes",  
  "actionUrlComplete": "/demo/api/journalentry/100000/complete",  
  "actionUrlCancel": "/demo/api/journalentry/100000/cancel",  
  "lastUpdatedDate": "2021-05-18T13:36:12",  
  "createdDate": "2021-04-01T19:28:21",  
  "journalEntryItemList": [  
      "creditGlAccountUrl": "/demo/api/glaccount/10009",  
      "debitGlAccountUrl": "/demo/api/glaccount/9001",  
      "amount": 50,  
      "notes": "Free text"  
  "journalEntryHistoryListUrl": "/demo/api/journalentry/100000/history/",  

Example average cost message:

  "journalEntryId": "100001",  
  "journalEntryUrl": "/demo/api/journalentry/100001",  
  "journalEntryTypeId": "AVERAGE_COST_CHANGE",  
  "statusId": "JOURNAL_CREATED",  
  "journalEntryDate": "2021-05-18T10:00:00",  
  "notes": "Notes",  
  "actionUrlComplete": "/demo/api/journalentry/100001/complete",  
  "actionUrlCancel": "/demo/api/journalentry/100001/cancel",  
  "lastUpdatedDate": "2021-05-18T13:37:52",  
  "createdDate": "2021-05-18T13:37:24",  
  "journalEntryItemList": [  
      "productId": "A23-FI-HI",  
      "productUrl": "/demo/api/product/A23-FI-HI",  
      "expectedAverageCost": 10,  
      "notes": "Free text"  
  "journalEntryHistoryListUrl": "/demo/api/journalentry/100001/history/",  

Journal entries and average cost resource are the same, they differ in the journalEntryTypeId field, and in the structure of the items in the journalEntryItemList array.

Available fields:

  • journalEntryId: The unique ID for the entity. Can be set when the entity is first created, and after that is read only. Limited to 20 ASCII characters
  • journalEntryUrl: The unique identifier for the entity. Read only.
  • journalEntryTypeId: Indicator of the type of entity. Valid values are JOURNAL_CREATED for journal entries, and AVERAGE_COST_CHANGE for average cost entries
  • statusId: Status indicator. Valid values are JOURNAL_CREATED (displayed as draft in the UI), JOURNAL_COMPLETED, JOURNAL_CANCELLED
  • journalEntryDate: Date associated with the entity. Optional.
  • notes: Notes associated with the entity. Optional
  • actionUrlComplete: POST to this URL with an empty body to change status to JOURNAL_COMPLETED. Entities in the completed state can not be modified.
  • actionUrlCancel: POST to this URL with an empty body to change status to JOURNAL_CANCELLED. Entities in the cancelled state can not be modified.
  • actionUrlEdit: POST to this URL with an empty body to change status to JOURNAL_CREATED which corresponds to the status of draft in the user interface.
  • journalEntryItemList: Represents a list of the items in the entity. Depending on the entity type (journal entry or average cost change), the available fields are different:
    • Journal entry:
      • creditGlAccountUrl: Unique ID of the accounting account to credit with the journal entry. Accounts can be configured in application settings in the UI
      • debitGlAccountUrl: Unique ID of the accounting account to DEBIT with the journal entry. Accounts can be configured in application settings in the UI
      • amount: Floating point value.
      • notes: Notes attached to the journal entry item
    • Average cost change item:
      • productUrl: Reference to the product for this item.
      • expectedAverageCost: Floating point value.
      • notes: Notes attached to the journal entry item
    • The order of the items in the array is significant and represents the order they are displayed in the user interface.